Total distance: 451.5km
Average speed: 19.6km/h
Weather: Sunny
In the morning, I parted ways with Julie and Gaston (the cycle tourists from Montreal) as they headed north and me south on the 105. Right away I felt the headwind which was the opposite of the day before but became the theme of today. The terrain was mildly undulating, a bit hillier than days prior, and I felt like I was in a children’s drawing of green hills and a windy blue river.
Turns out that Grand Falls was the last French speaking town in New Brunswick, which was honestly nice because I could finally have deeper conversations with people again! I have always been told about the great hospitality of the people in the Maritimes and time and time again today it proved to be true. In the 5-10min that I stopped on the side of the road to adjust my fenders, 3 different cars stopped to ask if I was okay.
Today I was basically powered by dairy products and very little else. In Perth-Andover, I got a Swiss cheese which I carried for about 40km before consuming it all. And then in Florence-Bristol, I finally caved in after not drinking any coffee for the past 4 days and had a coffee milkshake from a road side stand.
Rural New Brunswick was a lot of ornate houses, huge acerages, churches and cemeteries. In Hartland, there was the longest coveted bridge of the world.
It got hot again in the afternoon (but luckily not as hot as the first day in Quebec) and I had to dig deeper to ride the last 40km.
At Connell Park Campground in Woodstock, I met another bike tourist who had actually left from Vancouver and was going towards Halifax. The campground host had set up a giant canopy tent and was kind enough to let us hunker down there for the night.
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