Monday, June 2, 2014

Day 10: Calgary to Bassano

Distance: 150km
Total distance: 1225km
Average speed: 24.9km/h
Weather: sunny with another thunderstorm

Day one of prairie riding completed and I have to say that it's not as easy as I thought. This morning Jenn led me on a most wonderful bike path through the various parks of Calgary until the entrance onto Stony Creek Trail. For 30k we didn't get on the road at all! After another difficult goodbye, I got on Highway 22X, which eventually turned into 901, until it merged with the Trans Canada. By now the mountains are nothing but a distant memory and for miles I see nothing but fields of pasture. I think I may have already forgotten how to ride uphills as I felt like I was struggling on the several little inclines that I ran into today. Riding in the prairies is more psychologically difficult, as the landscape doesn't really change with distance and it seems like you haven't made any progress. After what felt like ages, I was pretty glad when I saw the 36km to Bassano sign. That last bit went by like a blur as there was a great tailwind that pushed me along at 37km/h, at the same time that I was trying to out-bike the approaching thunderstorm (I didn't succeed, but like yesterday it ended quickly). It wasn't until when I had to bike against the wind going into Bassano that I realized just how gusty it was. I think the winds start to pick up in the afternoon so I'm going to try leaving earlier from now on. I got to Bassano, which is pretty much midway between Calgary and Medicine Hat, just before 4 and went to the grocery store to pick up some food. Now I'm set up at the Bassano Campground in the middle of town about to make some soup. Except for a man who drove in to use the showers (I think?), there's not a single soul here, although across the street some kids are playing hockey, so it's not entirely eerie.

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