Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day 25: Nipigon to Terrace Bay

Distance: 115km
Total distance: 3406km
Average speed: 22.5km/h
Weather: sunny

Why hello big hills, haven't seen you in a while! I had a hard time leaving Arty, Sue and Gord's dog, this morning and didn't get going until 10. A bit after the first substantial hill leaving Nipigon, there was a stunning roadside viewpoint of Lake Superior. And it kept getting better throughout the day as the road hugged its north shore. Climbing the hills (Google maps had said ~900m of elevation gain today and my legs definitely believe it!) had me drenched in sweat but the glimpses of the lake as I descended at 60km/h and the cool air at the bottom made the burn so worth it. I took a lunch break at the First Nations Reserve of Pays Plat, where I met Anne and David again. I also saw the couple from outside of Kenora too so it was quite the cyclist galore! Both groups were going for Schreiber or Terrace Bay (only 15km apart! This has to be the two closest full service towns that I've passed!) like me. After stopping at the Terrace Bay Visitor Centre, I rode back to Aguabason Falls at the suggestion of the lady there and was so glad that I did. I think it's more grand than Kakabeka Falls with the gorge, and the sunlight cast a beautiful rainbow as the water tumbled. A short ride into town had me at Simcoe Plaza where I climbed the Slate Islands Lighthouse and then did a thorough walking tour of the town. I got some food (only when you travel alone can you eat an entire tub of yogurt and crackers for dinner) and then rode down to Terrace Bay Beach where I followed two women hiking along a trail and ended up back at Aguasabon Falls! After returning, I went for a swim in the lake which was freezing but oh so refreshing. It was magical as I sat on a pile of rocks on the edge of the beach watching the sun move behind the hill. 

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