Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day 15: Moosomin to Brandon

Distance: 146km
Total distance: 2240km
Average speed: 27.5km/h
Weather: sunny

At 11:30pm last night, two people, very likely drunk, came to the playground right beside where I was (I didn't really try to be discrete) and said they see a big skunk. They walked towards me, and when I moved slightly they got freaked out and bolted. Other than that, it was a peaceful night and I didn't get up until 7:30 with the sun shining in my face. I packed up and went to get coffee at the Tim Hortons at the edge of town. Caffeinated and ready to go, I set my watch an hour ahead and pedaled away for today's short ride (haha, how my perception of ride length has changed). Within 20km or so, I was in Manitoba. I was sort of taking a risk by taking the Trans Canada, because the guide book that I was reading said to avoid it in Manitoba because the shoulders are not paved. However I had checked Google maps street view and it seemed okay. They must have just paved the shoulder in the last two years or so because it was great just like in Alberta and Saskatchewan (so far BC seems the worst!). That is, until I got on Highway 1A, the city route through Brandon, where all of a sudden there was a detour that went on gravel roads for 6km. I had been warned but c'mon Manitoba pave your roads! Finally I got back onto the pavement and rode towards Sarah's house, hoping that she had read my last minute email announcing my arrival today. She and her husband were surprised (and so was their Great Pyrenees), but they ever so kindly welcomed me into their house. I think I'm going to push another 200km to Winnipeg tomorrow and if so I will have 4 bonus rest days!

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