Thursday, June 5, 2014

Day 13: Swift Current to Regina

Distance: 240km
Total distance: 1850km
Average speed: 28.2km/h
Weather: overcast turning to sunny

When I checked the weather last night it had said gusts of 50km/h from the west. As I drifted off to sleep, I toyed with the idea of going all the way to Regina. Sarah, who is a food journalist and has a lot of interesting foods (such as stinging nettle, fiddleheads, etc.) in her fridge, cooked some Saskatoon berries for me for breakfast, which definitely set the stage for this incredible day. Around 9:20, I headed off and sure enough there was a massive wind behind my back. It was much stronger than yesterday, such that when the road curved off from a direct westward direction, the crosswind was so bad that I was almost biking on my side. That was not so fun. On the other hand, there were a few stretches where I maintained 40km/h without much effort. Around 2, I reached Mortlach (~130km away), where I had originally planned to camp for the night, and took my first of only three short breaks for the day. With more than half of the distance covered and still a better part of the day left, I knew then that I was going to make it to Regina. Somehow I ended up eating only two cookies during the entire ride today. My only regret would have been to not stop in Moose Jaw to take a look at the underground tunnels. I rolled into Tiffany's aunt and uncle's place right at 6, and was immediately treated like a queen. So if you happened to be driving from Swift Current to Regina today and saw a cyclist in a black jacket with a lopsided helmet and hair covered face who appeared to be falling over at times, well that was me :)

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